Saxon Andrew's Universe

The Assassin's Guild

From the bestselling author, Saxon Andrew, comes the first book in the Assassins’ Guild Series – “Earth Must Be Stopped”. Fifty-colonies were founded hundreds of years ago, after Nordstrum Haladay discovered Phase Field technology. Millions of Colonists left Earth to escape the incessant wars, famine, and over-population plaguing the planet. Earth regressed to a primitive civilization after a nuclear holocaust killed more than twelve-billion people. They became little more than primitive farmers; blaming science and technology for the climactic nuclear war and abhorred all technology.
The colonies were left to fend for themselves. Four-hundred-years after the war, the Colonies sent starships back to Earth to trade for the crops and forced an unfairly low price on the farmers. Earthlings came to detest the colonies and decided that technology might be needed for defense. Earth began evolving quickly and three-hundred-years, after the colony traders first arrived, Earth rivaled the colonies in advanced technology.
From Saxon Andrew comes the second book in the Assassins Guild-Defending the Colonies. The Aliens invading the colonies have called off the general invasion. It appears another civilization has been discovered scouting them and their fear has led them to send their major fleets to the Large Magellanic Cloud to find out what threat this civilization poses. The six colonies that have been previously invaded will remain under the alien’s control while this issue is resolved.
The Colony Fleet is helpless to remove the invading warships and unable to defend the colonies that have fallen under their control. The colonies have no defenses and things look bad. However, there are tens of thousands of assassins on the invaded planets and they’ve been offered payment for each alien they’re able to kill. The aliens are feeling confident but are about to discover that the assassins have them right where they want them.

From the international bestselling Author, Saxon Andrew, comes the third book in the Assassin’s Guild Saga, Rage of the Brotherhood. The war in the Large Magellanic Cloud has ended and the survivors are headed home to a heroes welcome from a grateful planet. The welcoming parade is ready for their appearance and celebration is the word of the day.

But before the parade can start, the Admirals of the returning fleet are called into an emergency meeting in Fleet Admiral Montana’s conference room. A colony warship has been attacked and destroyed in the Andromeda Galaxy by a religion that was forced to leave Earth a thousand years in the past. This civilization calls itself the Brotherhood and the newly established colonies that fled to Andromeda to escape the Alien invasions are in great danger if the Brotherhood discovers their existence. If that happens, the new colonies and all of humanity in the Milky Way will face the Rage of the Brotherhood.

Earth and the Colonies are in a fight to the death against the Brotherhood’s civilization in the Andromeda Galaxy and, to make things worse, an advanced civilization called the Cyrens has threatened to attack the new colonies settled in Andromeda if Earth’s fleets don’t start attacking the Brotherhood’s forces. Up till now, Earth’s warships have managed to remain undetected by the Brotherhood’s fleets but that was over; Admiral Talent is being forced to initiate attacks against the Brotherhood or run the risk of the new colonies being destroyed.

Earth only has twenty-one Sha Class warships in Andromeda and they are heavily outnumbered by the Brotherhood warships and Berserker’s. The Cyrens have stated they will delay attacking the new colonies until the Brotherhood has been defeated but offer no assurances they won’t attack the colonies once that’s done. If, by some miracle, Earth manages to defeat the Brotherhood then the Cyrens might attack the colonies anyway. 
Earth is in the untenable position of having to fight the Brotherhood without defeating them until some means of taking on the Cyrens’ giant warships is discovered. To complicate matters, the alien civilizations attacking the Brotherhood for invading their planets are a clear threat to attack Earth’s warships if they discover humans are flying them. They’ll be lumped in with the Brotherhood and it will be Earth against every civilization in Andromeda. Things couldn’t get much worse…or, could they?