Saxon Andrew's Universe

the fight for creation

“Life Warrior” continues the action as the Bristone Realm moves forward in the struggle to survive a tsunami of enemy warships led by a species that has never tasted defeat. The loss of psychic abilities, diminishing numbers of Commanders to pilot warships and enemies with much more advanced technologies left the Realm in sure danger. Unbelievably the only survivors of the Dremor attacks were three male infants who will come to realize their shared destiny and very important role in the future of the Realm when they don the armor of the Life Warrior.  

Reader Review:

Saxon Andrew does it again
Just finished this book no more than 2 hrs ago. It was so good I immediately started reading the second book in this series. It has action with just enough detail so that you don’t get bored reading long descriptions of everything that is going on. Saxon Andrews understand the space opera and writes it very well!
Richard Meinhardt, US Kindle Customer on February 19, 2013

In the second book of this series a hundred and sixty years have passed since the three brothers stopped the Dremor and brought the Royals back to respectability. But now no one hears the music of Creation and the Realm is once again losing ground to more aggressive civilizations. The Creator is sick and will die if the forces against the Realm are not stopped, and soon.
Making matters worse, one of the largest and most aggressive civilization’s new enhanced technology may be the final death knell for the Life Warriors.  But a monumental impact will come from a small being that arrives in the Realm to ‘play’, however through much persistence was finally accepted by the force and it will never be the same.
The Realm has arrived at the point where the four most dangerous species in Creation must be confronted. Twenty thousand years of struggle and war have led up to this defining moment and the enemies arrayed against the Realm are formidable. But a new Warrior has been created to use the most dangerous species in existence as a tool of destruction. Would this new warrior prove to be the Ultimate Warrior or will the tool turn on the Realm and destroy it. One mistake could prove fatal.
In true Sci-Fi Space Opera fashion the final story of the Fight for Creation comes to a conclusion that is action filled and will be hard to put down. The Realm’s survival depends on the Ultimate Warrior.