Stand alone Stories

The Survivor is a standalone story that takes place on the colony of New Hope. The Universe is a dangerous place, and the humans living on New Hope learn that lesson when the leaders announce that an alien civilization called the Teg has declared war on Earth and they will be arriving very soon.  Defenses from Earth are unable to get to the colony before the Teg and recommend that the colonist flee into the wilderness surrounding the cities and try their best to survive until the warships from Earth arrive.

The cities are in pandemonium and traffic jams prevents the vast majority of the population from escaping. When the Teg warships arrive in orbit, and more than seventy percent of New Hope’s population is still trapped in the cities. What follows will cause a huge impact on the course of the war.
The Survivor will be hard to put down as you try to keep up with the unexpected surprises this story delivers. Finding out who the villain is won’t be easy and just when you think you know….you won’t.

This story takes place in Earth’s future and at 95,000 words is a complete novel. Humanity has spread out into the stars, but Earth is fearful of what awaits it in this uncertain universe and decides to attack any civilization that might pose a danger. Unfortunately, one of those civilizations does not believe in aggression and the fall out is more than anyone anticipated. These events puts Earth and its colonies into a perilous position when two-young-Aliens struggle on how to fight a war they are forbidden to have.
The action starts immediately and the story will keep you turning pages as one twist leads into another.

This short story will grab your interest and keep you turning pages right up to the end. History…we all think we know what’s happened in the past and for the most part, we do. But there are some things that elude us and just can’t be satisfactorily explained; the Pyramids in Egypt, Puma Puku in Bolivia, and the ending of the Mayan Calendar, just to name a few. Scientists have all put forward explanations, but most are full of holes and disagreements abound. The  renowned archeologist Stanley Oliver struggles to dig the past out of the dirt at a newly discovered Mayan Pyramid. Sometimes, it’s better to just leave the shovels at home, as Stanley is about to find out in the rain forests of Mexico. The truth can change the world and everything known about the Mayan Civilization. History is about to come crashing into the present.

Humanity has moved out into the Milky Way and began colonizing the galaxy. After thousands of years, the colonized planets united under one leader and the First Emperor was chosen. The Emperor decided that the alien civilizations represented a threat to humanity and he launched his fleets to go out and exterminate them. The First Empire grew to millions of planets that flourished in peace over ten thousand years. The later Emperors imposed taxes and restrictions that ultimately led to a civil war and the First Empire fell to the rebels. The war didn’t stop there, it spread out into the galaxy and millions of planets were destroyed or blasted back into the Stone Age. The planets that did survive, attacked any civilization that approached them and it remained like that for thousands of years. Then one day, a new conqueror arose intent on reuniting the galaxy under one rule. The Warlord was worse than the Emperors of the First Empire, but no surviving civilization could stand up to his forces. Over the next three hundred years, the Warlord’s descendants marched on toward his vision of uniting the galaxy under one Empire. But… all is changed when an alien from a distant galaxy arrives.  A search for humanity’s mystical home world began and finding Earth had to be done, and quickly. 

This story has more twists and turns than a dragon’s tail. The action starts fast and picks up speed as the search for humanity’s home world intensifies. Was Earth destroyed like history reports, or does it still exist? I hope this page turner will be difficult for you to put down.

A colony of humans have inhabited a deserted planet abandoned by its original inhabitants thousands of years earlier leaving the structures and foundation of its community behind. Earth’s scientists discovered that the structures could not be damaged or changed in any way, even the most powerful lasers had no effect and the technology inside the city was far beyond anything the humans were capable of duplicating. As the years past it was discover there was good possibility that the species that built the colony would probably return…and soon. If it was this species that eradicated the ancient civilizations, then Earth and its other colonies were in danger of destruction.
Another page-turner from Saxon Andrew that starts fast and the momentum builds right up to the very end. The impacts on humanity are monumental and will have long term effects on its survival.