Saxon Andrew's Universe

Stories from The Filaments

An orphaned young human struggles to survive in a universe that offers him little more than despair. His dirty day-to-day existence working on commercial starships barely provides enough coins to feed his alcohol addiction. To make matters worse, he discovers that two very powerful forces are attempting to capture him and he has no clue as to why. The Venzel Dragons are recognized as the most deadly warriors in the known universe and he’s never heard of the ‘Movement’, as it is one of the most secretive organizations ever.
Gregor just can’t figure out why they’re after him and remaining free is quickly becoming more difficult. He has no choice but to run and try to determine why he is being pursued. He must go back to Earth to find out who he really is and what he finds changes his world completely. A painful revelation concerning his adopted father makes him resolve to exact revenge. But what can a filthy, alcoholic bum do against two of the most powerful forces in the universe? The answer lies in the forest world of Bellingham and according to the Cartian Database, no one has traveled to that planet in more than six hundred years and returned.

Gregor’s Run will keep you guessing at every turn as he struggles to find himself in a universe he thinks has gone insane.

Helpless on the surface of the planet Jergan, Leonidas Piper watched his warship and best friend being blasted into rubble. The warship was all they had left after the Unity Government disbanded their mercenary legion and in a matter of seconds is was gone. Now nothing remained of it but gas, debris, and the resolve of Leonidas to revenge the death of his best friend. 

In A Pirate’s Tale, Saxon Andrew follows Leonidas as he seeks retribution and discovers that evil has many layers. This story takes place in the Filament Universe and it doesn’t take long to determine that knowing who the good and bad guys are is nearly impossible. The twists and turns will keep you guessing and leave you wondering if the ‘Only Solution is Retribution’.

Review of a Pirate’s Tale

I really liked the story and his style
By Amazon Customer on September 19, 2016

Format: Kindle Edition
I just discovered Saxon Andrew a week ago when I read “Gregor’s Run”. I really liked the story and his style. I immediately got “A Pirates’s Tale”. Another great read. I think that I hit the mother load with this author. His story telling reminds me of an author that I read many years ago, E.E. Doc Smith. His heroes are decisive and intuitive. No hand wringing when they have to dispatch a bad guy. Operate with honor and integrity. Loyal to their friends and allies.

The stories move fast with intrigue and plot twists. The Sci-Fi is more Fi than Sci, but that frees his imagination and he takes advantage of it. If you are a purist about the science, go read a textbook. His stories are feel good adventures, so if you are into dark, depressing reading, go elsewhere. He creates some impossible spots for his characters to be in, but resolves the issues in clever ways.

The problem is that I have been binge reading and not getting stuff done. It is like eating potato chips. The best part is that he has written a lot of books, and I plan to read every one.

P.S. If you really like profanity in your books, skip this one. This author keeps the language clean (God bless him)

Bestselling author, Saxon Andrew takes you back to the Filament Universe to meet new characters confronting an unstoppable foe. The filaments are super-highways between galaxies and the life blood of trade between distant civilizations. However, sometimes traders are not the only ones that shows up knocking on the door.

The planet of Heaven is invaded and occupied by a highly aggressive civilization after living in peace for more than a thousand years. After decades of war, Heaven is finally freed. They begin a massive military expansion, only to find far worse than their past coming towards them off the filament.
Forced to search the galaxy for advanced weapon technology in order to confront the coming menace, Heaven’s scouts find warriors that are bound together and not easily convinced that Heaven’s scouts are not enemies. 

The interstellar war that breaks out on the filaments will keep you turning pages in this latest installment in the Stories from the Filaments. The action in The Soul of the Swords, Brotherhood is More than Metal is fast paced and packed with twists that will keep you wondering what’s coming. Buckle in and go to full boosters as Heaven faces Hell rushing toward it at incredible speed in indestructible warships.

Number one bestselling author, Saxon Andrew presents the next book in the Filament Universe. The forces from the Combined Planets have defeated the Tronan Warships sent to investigate the disappearance of one of their vessels. However, the cost was high, the planet Heaven was destroyed. Now the thousands of survivors have resettled on Bellingham and know that the size of the next Tronan investigation would not be just a few hundred warships.

Admiral Embree’s Fleet has been sent to hold position just outside Tronan Territory to give advanced warning of the next invasion and time was growing short for the Combined Planet’s forces to build enough forces to take them on. It’s estimated they have three or four years before the Tronan respond to their lost squadron.

But building enough warships to take on the most dangerous vessels ever seen is a daunting task. Only vessels coated in Bellingham’s impenetrable metal will be able to stand up to the Tronan Warships and constructed enough in time before the Tronan arrive just isn’t possible.
Sam Oliver has been placed in overall command of the Combined Forces Military and he knows time is not on his side. This time the Tronan were coming and he expects them to be bringing their giant warrior transports with them. Planets were going to die unless something changed. Gregor is tasked with stopping any invasion of a planet but his forces will be heavily outnumbered and building the transports to move them cannot be completed in time.

The giant filament that ran from the Tronan Empire to the Combined planets was named the Death Filament. Death was coming on it and making sure it was the Tronan that died just didn’t look like it was remotely possible.

The action picks up as Sam and his fellow Warriors of the Sword are faced with the reality of a universe filled with Tronan Warships above all civilized planets. Would Bellingham be the only refuge from the onslaught? The ‘Stories From the Filament Universe’ continues and will be hard to put down.

International Bestselling Author, Saxon Andrew presents the final book in the War against the Tronan in the “Stories From the Filament Series”. The proverbial cat is now out of the bag and the Tronan Prime Director knows there is an advanced civilization that has been causing the destruction of the warships and fleets he’s sent to investigate the new space. He has also learned that the new space has billions of intelligent civilizations for him to exploit and his greed is equal to his desire for revenge. This time, he would not make another mistake by being cautious.
The Combined Planets are being led by a motley bunch; a former alcoholic bum, an insect turned human, a former mercenary turned pirate, and an admiral that lost his planet. But all of them are now Bothers of the Sword and are determined to not fail again. Leonidas, Gregor, Gem, and Sam will be facing an unimaginable force moving their way but numbers don’t always win. One thing is certain, Death Never Leaves a Calling Card to let you know when it’s coming to get you and it can show up unannounced at any moment.
Buckle up and get ready to ride the filaments at super-light speed in the final fight against an implacable foe. The Tronan Warships are coming and there is no avoiding them any longer.

The sixth book in the series explores more deeply the Filaments that connect all the stars and black holes in the known universe with powerful energy flows that move faster than the speed-of-light in subspace. Most space travel is now on the ancient filaments even though scientists know they are not a naturally occurring phenomenon; someone, or something, created them thousands of years before.
Because filament communicator that could be heard across the universe were used in the recent war with Tronan, the Leaders of the Alliance fear that the ancient Filament Makers may be coming to investigate who is using their creation and try to put a stop to it. Gregor MacGregor decides to act first and sets out to find them in order to determine if they are a threat to Bellingham. What he discovers is stunning! The danger to Bellingham and all the Alliance planets is worse than anyone had imagined. And on top of this threat, the Insectoid King has a new unstoppable weapon he plans on using against the Alliance.
This full-length novel at over 105,000 words comes out of the chute fast and doesn’t slow down.