Saxon Andrew's Universe

The Watcher

In this science fiction thriller Nicole Silva operates a super computer for the top intelligence agency in the United states. While preparing a report that will be deliver to the team of Agents on the activities of enemy spies operating inside the United States; however, the last item on the report catches her attention and she believes it has to be a computer glitch or error. “There is evidence a man has been living in the United States since before the Revolutionary War. He may be a threat,” Nicole believed this had to be an error and removed it from the report, she would return to investigate it later. What she discovers in her investigation has harrowing consequences for not only the United States but all of mankind. This discovery leads her into a dizzying spiral of events that quickly get out of control. The Watcher is a thriller that will capture your attention and leave you wondering what’s coming next. Nicole is caught between two diametrically opposed forces that are determined to find the Watcher first and remove him along with anyone helping or searching for him. 

The Watcher has been observing humans since the time their early ancestors lived in the trees of Africa. His ship had a catastrophic failure of the Star Drive and was stranded. He spent most of the centuries just observing humans, although he was responsible for the arrival of Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals by manipulating the DNA of several tribes of early hominids; he learned after the fact that he made a mistake. He intended to stop humans from attacking other humans and his experiment failed dismally. Instead, they were more highly intelligent and learned how to kill each other more effectively. From that point on, he stayed out of human development. Until humans began to plan a massive thermonuclear war. He intended to just let it happen, to then allow some other species to evolve and rule Earth. Everything changed when he discovered that a young human woman was pregnant with his child. After he stopped the nuclear attack he placed a suppression field around earth preventing any weapons from operating. If humans intended to kill each other in the future, they would be forced to do it the old-fashioned way; spears, swords, bows and arrows and all the ancient weapons. He notified Earth’s leaders that they would be quarantined to their planet and wouldn’t be allowed to join billions of civilizations in the universe until they quit killing each other. He knew that this change wouldn’t happen quickly, millions were going to die before things turned around. This is the story of what it was like to live in the Age of Suppression.

In the third book in The Watcher SeriesBreaking the Covenant, the Humans have finally stopped killing each other nine years earlier, elected a world government, and began moving toward peace and prosperity. The Watcher knows humans have earned the right to be given Star Drive technology enabling them to go out into the universe, however, were they really ready to do it? Could they control their aggressive instincts and live in peace with alien civilizations? To make matters worse, the threat of the Revel civilization hung over Earth like a dark cloud. Their ships could be in danger of destruction by Revel Warships if the timing wasn’t right. Charles also knew the issue of defending Earth was going to be a huge issue with the Covenant, they could lose the use of the Construction Facility to build the starships Earth would need. The decision was clear on what to do. Humanity had to learn what they would be facing out in the stars and the Revel would be the ones to teach them. Would the new technology protect Earth, or was all this just a moot point? The final saga to this series starts fast and picks up speed as humanity faces its future squarely head on as it becomes a part of the millions of civilizations flying the universe. Survival is uncertain and before the Watcher frees them from the bonds of Earth, humans must be able to keep the aggressive demons inside them at bay.

This science fiction thriller is set in the near future and follows an analyst, Nicole Silva, who operates a supercomputer for the top intelligence agency in the United States. Her Computer uncovers evidence that a man has been living in the US since the founding of Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. This discovery leads her into a dizzying spiral of events that quickly get out of control. The Watcher Series is a thriller that will capture your attention and leave you wondering what’s coming next. Nicole is caught between two diametrically opposed forces that are determined to find the Watcher first and remove him along with anyone helping or searching for him. What neither side knows is that the mysterious man they’re trying so hard to find knows that humanity doesn’t have much longer to survive, and has no intention of preventing the coming catastrophe, even though their plight is his doing.